
How did you first discover seasonal and celestial wellness ?

A while back I attended a full moon ceremony and was introduced to a lady who told me about her training with a holistic health therapist who specialised in seasonal living and flower essence therapy . 

After living in Sydney for many years, I returned to the UK and struggled with Winter more than ever! It has to be my most challenging season, but after taking my training I learned to love Winter and saw it as a time to reset and recharge. It was a chance to reflect on all that had passed, a time to slow down......a time for introspection. Winter is a season for nourishment with warming homemade soups and elixirs. The reduced daylight hours and cold temperatures can often feel challenging, but despite its dark and gloomy facade, winter also brings the gift of new beginnings.

Tell me more about seasonal skincare and how you look at the skin holistically, inside and out ?

Our skin cells renew every 26-28 days, it's a continuous process of elimination and renewal as it journeys through the seasons. The holistic skin care products I use embody the seasons in England.  At 'Face of Nature' we look at the skin in a holistic manner - our skin can tell us so much about what is going on on the inside. I use a technique called facial mapping, which can give us clues as to what organs may need support. 

To me, health should be something that we can support ourselves and when you look at health in a holistic way this is absolutely possible. This includes fundamentals such as breath, sleep, hydration but also movement, nutrition and daily rituals. Our bodies communicate with us to tell us something, to give us a warning sign that something may be out of balance.  My work includes principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in particular a concept called Yang Sheng - which translates to ' nourish life'. 

Women in particular are cyclical beings and when we begin to live in harmony with the seasons there is so much wisdom that we can harness from Mother Nature. She provides cues and clues and also abundance, particularly at this time of year. 

What inspired you to launch Face Of Nature ?

I wanted to be able to help other women feel their best and empower them to take charge of their own health and wellbeing. I have been on my own health journey - particularly since the birth of my Son.  The demands of motherhood have definitely impacted my health. My original plan was to become a Doula, but my training at the Rhythm Of Beauty school really resonated with me and my views around living naturally. Our western, modern lives and particularly modern medicine is so reactive and can often look to fix symptoms rather than treat the root cause. I believe that we can be far more proactive around our health which in turn can act as a preventative to many health complaints.  


What advice do you have for other female business owners ?

Feel the fear and do it anyway!  This phrase has always resonated with me, and there have been many times in building 'Face of Nature'  where this has pushed me forward into doing something I felt nervous or anxious about! 

You have two young children and run your own business, how have you found ways to relax during lockdown?

Nature has literally kept me sane! Daily walks in the Peaks, grounding every day, small daily rituals have all provided me with my daily medicine! Yoga was a massive part of that too. My friend and I would have a virtual cuppa and take the same yoga class every Sunday evening! It helped me to wind down, re set for the week ahead and really helped my sleep. 


What products would you suggest people try first?

So many to choose and so many that I love! I offer 1.1 skin ritual recommendations which are personally tailored to you and your needs. 

Are there any other small brands that you have been loving recently?

I absolutely love The Smallest Light candles! They are 100% eco friendly, vegan and smell divine! They are also seasonal too! Another beautiful brand is The Singing Leaf - organic, wildcrafted loose leaf teas! My favourite blend is Clarity  - a soothing blend of Rose, Hibiscus and Tulsi! 

Daily ritual ? 

I think the one thing that I have done consistently, especially over the past few months is grounding! Bare foot on the earth for around 15-20 minutes a day! If I'm up early enough I try to do this first thing as getting out into the morning light can help boost our mood and also support our circadian rhythm.I also try to spend around 10 minutes per day using my Rose Quartz Gua Sha , which is an amazing facial tool that can boost circulation and supports lymphatic drainage. It can also help to ease any tension - especially when it is used mindfully!


Favourite season ? 

I think my favourite season has to be Spring, closely followed by Autumn. I love the feeling of Spring - the promise of renewal... the little shoots popping up through the earth, the pops of colour in the spring flowers letting you know that Spring has sprung! It is the season of hope and new beginnings. 

Covid has forced us all to slow down, what part of the re-set have you most enjoyed and embraced ? 

We took daily walks in the rolling green hills of the Peak District as a family and found a couple of walks on our doorstep that we didn’t even know existed! We spent hours and hours in the garden, listening to the birds, watching the flowers bloom, admiring all that Mother Nature had to offer. I think it made me value what was truly important, it gave us a simple life, it gave us time as a family. 

Self love, we all know we need to do it more, what words of wisdom can you give to someone looking to take that first step to give themselves some much needed love ?

Be kind to yourself...... It's about gifting yourself those moments where you can listen to your body and find ways to support yourself. This may be as simple as adding time to rest into your weekly schedule, read a book, or take a yoga class. 

I feel the Full Moons used to affect me more but lately it seems to be the New Moons, do you think you are personally more affected by the Full Moon or a New Moon ? 

I am definitely affected by the Full Moon. I can often feel the intense energies -  particularly in relation to my emotions. The Full Moon also sends my sleep all over the place. I try to enjoy a water ritual around this time - either a Moon Bath loaded with Epsom salts for detoxification or Magnesium flakes to support restful sleep. I like to add some of the Seasonal Flower Essence as well along with a few foraged flowers for extra decadence!

To book an appointment email

To learn more visit Amy’s Instagram @face.ofnature


