I have practiced yoga for 15+ years and love it for both physical and mental wellbeing. Discovering Willow Yoga's beautiful, botanical printed yoga mats made my home practice all the more prettier. Here we talk to Boss Lady Amy Powell about her wonderful brand I am so excited to have in the Bazaar.

Amy, you have combined two of my loves, yoga and beautiful floral print design, who were you designing for before you launched your own brand ?

I have designed for a range of high street retailers and brands for the last 10 years whilst working in the fashion industry, brands such as Phase Eight, Oasis, Debenhams, Anthropologie, Laura Ashely etc to name a few.

You discovered your passion for yoga in India, what was the inspiration that ignited the first Willow yoga mat ?

As a Textile Designer I am always looking for new ideas and inspiration. A much loved trip to Kew Gardens inspired my Willow Yoga print range.

What is your favourite print from your collection?

Tropicana Indigo was the first design I came up with… I loved the idea of this being a placement print and the scale and florals within the print that give it that ‘wow’ factor, so this has to be my fave!

What are you most proud about in terms of your brand?

How it has developed in less than 2 years setting up, we have grown, learnt heaps about what makes a good brand and most importantly listening to customer feedback. I have so much energy to keep growing and spreading the Willow Yoga LOVE so hope this will continue on our small business journey.

Congratulations on your wonderful news, I know your due date is fast approaching, have you found yoga has helped you through your pregnancy ?

Yes absolutely, staying active throughout my pregnancy has been key and I love that I can pick my workout whether it be meditation or more upbeat power yoga class to keep me motivated and energised.

Is there a daily ritual which you have cherished during lockdown ?

Staying active, and getting outdoors whenever possible. Practicing yoga daily sets me up for the day ahead so this is my daily ritual always.

What advice do you have for other female entrepreneurs?

The first step is often the scariest but follow your dream and know anything is possible, most importantly, believe in yourself.

Are there any other small brands that you have been loving recently?

Heka aromatherapy, their products are amazing and having worked with them I have since been using their products so highly recommend.

If you were a flower what would you be ?

A peony because they’re my all time favourite… just a shame they only bloom once a year!

We are delighted to have some of our favourite Willow Yoga pieces in the Bazaar, to view the full range please take a peek at

Some of Ellie’s home grown Peony love.

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